We are The Hands, Feet, and Mouth for Jesus


Showing the love to mothers in the recovery community.

A restaurant partner helping show the love of God during Christmas.

In Houston with disaster relief supplies after the 2021 freeze. Showing the love at a homeless shelter.


Our Mission

Hope In Him exists to show the love of God to all people regardless of background. Our mission is to provide support to those most vulnerable among us. Children, families, women and the men who are homeless, veterans and the recovery community.

Our Vision

It takes a village to show the love and shine the light. Our vision is to network with multiple individuals, ministries and agencies in the community to provide resources for those in need.


Our Goal

When Severe disaster strikes, with God’s provision we deploy with supplies and prayer support for those affected areas. Our goal is to be the hands, feet and mouth of Jesus to the community.


Prayer Support

Our heavenly Father wants us to communicate with him all of our needs. Communication with our Heavenly Father is key. If you have a prayer request, please let us know and we’ll put you on the prayer chain. God is more than able to meet your needs.